WexExpress offers free transportation for students to the YMCA on school days. Starting on the very first day of the school year, students can take advantage of this service to access the diverse programs and activities offered by the YMCA. By bridging the gap between school and extracurricular enrichment, WexExpress is making positive strides toward a more connected, healthy, and vibrant community.

Pickup Locations & Times

Mackinaw Trail Middle School: 2:30 PM in the back parent parking lot (front of parent line)

Cadillac High School: 2:45 PM at the front office, by the flag pole.


How to Ride

No fare or registration required for students for the specific routes listed above. Students should meet the bus at the times and locations listed above. If you have questions about this transproation, please contact our office at (231) 779-0123.


Student Expectations

WexExpress requires passengers to conduct themselves in an acceptable and respectful manner at all times. Any type of lewd or indecent behavior is unacceptable. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal. This means you must stay in your seat, keep your hands to yourself, and use your indoor voice.

We do not tolerate any type of violence, threats, intimidation, destruction of property, or failure to follow driver instructions. We have the right to refuse service and remove passengers when deemed necessary.

Please refrain from eating, smoking, drinking, vulgar language, or playing external audio equipment.